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Welcome to the Swop Shop!

We get a number of enquiries prior to the event where groups have a "spare" Cub/Scout/Explorer Scout who would like to compete in the event (but can't due to not enough numbers to make up a team, or that they will fall outside the age limits), and also from teams who have had Scouts drop out due to one reason or another.

With this in mind, we thought we'd create a basic online utility that enables leaders to post appeals via our website and hopefully enable them to make up a full team of 4.

Hopefully the form at the bottom of this page is self-explanatory - but if you have any questions please contact secretary@pikeviewhike.co.uk!

Event Status Age/Max age Leader's Name Group
Pike View Hike Member Wanted 13 Example Example

If you can help anybody on this list, click on their name and respond to them by filling out the form.

If you want to add a plea to this list, please fill out the form below.
Event Please choose the event you wish the information to be listed under - i.e. if you have a spare 9 year old Cub, select "Pip Hartley Memorial". If you have a Bibby's Farm Yomp team that requires an additional Explorer Scout, select "Bibby's Farm Yomp".
Age If you have a spare young person, please enter their age (as of 31st March 2023) here. If you require a young person for your team, please enter the maximum age that the young person can be (in order to comply with the event rules regarding combined maximum age).

N.B. if you require, or have spare, more than one young person, please post a new request for each one.
Your name This information will appear in the list above.
Your group's name This information will appear in the list above.
Your email address To stop spam programs from harvesting this site, this information WILL NOT appear in the list above, but it will be used to allow another leader to contact you via this site.
Once you've checked all the information here, click 'Send' and your information will be added to the list above.